Becoming an Egg Donor

Egg Donation in North Carolina

For many aspiring mothers, egg donation offers a cherished path to pregnancy, especially when natural conception is not an option. The generosity of egg donors opens a world of hope for couples facing fertility challenges.

Becoming an egg donor, while demanding patience and dedication, is an immensely rewarding journey. In North Carolina, the egg donation process involves several steps, requiring commitment and flexibility for necessary appointments. Egg donors receive not only financial compensation but also the assurance of covered medical expenses, making their contribution a truly valuable gift of life.

Requirements for Egg Donors

The screening for egg donors is comprehensive, prioritizing the health and safety of donors, eggs, and recipients. Candidates must meet essential criteria to participate.

Age Requirement: Must be between 21 and 29 years old.

Health Status: Should be in good physical and mental health.

Body Mass Index: BMI must not exceed 26.

Smoking: Must be a non-smoking individual.

Alcohol Consumption: Should have no or moderate alcohol intake.

Drug-Free: Free from drug use, with no past substance abuse issues.

Criminal History: Clear of any criminal background.

Health Screening: Includes a detailed application, physical exam, genetic and STD screenings, and a psychological evaluation.

If you meet these criteria, please click the button below to start your online application.

Compensation for Egg Donors

All expenses related to the egg donation process, including medical, legal, insurance, travel, and potential accommodation and daily allowance expenses, are fully funded. Financial reimbursement typically varies and is based on the number of cycles completed, with an initial amount of $10,000 for first-time donors. Donors who have particular ethnic backgrounds or rare traits may receive higher compensation. For clients seeking private advertising, compensation for donors can vary from $25,000 to $50,000.

Success Stories

Read the heartwarming journeys of families brought together through the gift of egg donation.

Whether you're stepping towards the dream of a family or you're ready to give the gift of life, you're not alone. You're about to become part of a community that cherishes each step towards a shared future.

For some, the journey is about seeking. For others, it’s about giving.

Whatever your path, let it begin here with us.